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Posted on October 3rd, 2019 in Events Tags: ,

The fourth annual JAG Leadership Development Conference took place on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at Jameson Camp. Brandon Warren, Founder & CEO of We LIVE, opened the day by explaining the importance of supporting one another and encouraging students to work together to make a difference.

After hearing from Brandon, the students split up into groups and went outside for a couple hours of team-building activities. One student from George Washington High School spoke about her favorite activity from the day, which was called Raging River. Students would set up blocks to in order to traverse an area, problem-solving together to ensure their blocks don't “wash down the river.”

“There was a lack of communication at first because we didn’t really know each other, but then we worked together to figure it out.”
-JAG Student

Team-building exercises like these sometimes get a negative reputation, but business leaders note that in practice they are worthwhile investments that develop trust, learn conflict resolution strategies, build communication skills, and collaborate toward a common goal. These sound a lot like employability skills, don't they?

After lunch, IndianaFIRST set up their frisbee-throwing robot for students to try out. One of the JAG specialists made sure to connect with IndianaFIRST after watching the demonstration. “It would be cool to have you guys come out and talk to our JAG classes as well as our school’s engineering and programming classes,” she said.

The day concluded with a drum circle session led by Arts with a Purpose and a presentation about Innovate WithIN from Don Wettrick at STARTedUP Foundation. In January, Innovate WithIN’s call for proposals opens for student entrepreneurs looking to build or expand a business.

Posted on September 5th, 2019 in Events Tags: , , , ,

Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) students from Indiana School for the Deaf and Arsenal Technical High School participated in a Talent Tour at ProLogistix on Thursday, September 5, utilizing hands-on stations and learning about multiple facets of the logistics industry.

ProLogistix is a staffing firm that prepares job seekers for logistics careers by training them in the technology that they will use in their job, including forklifts and item scanners.

Students learn about forklift operation at ProLogistix

Kristen Bevins, ProLogistix division vice president, voiced enthusiasm for the value that experiences like this can provide students. “I think that it’s important for people to know what kind of jobs are out there and to know what kind of career to go after. In high school there are so many options – how do you pick? You don’t know until you actually go out and see it firsthand whether or not it’s something you like.”

Business/education partnerships like this “could be a way for students to learn how to drive a forklift and go into the workforce right out of high school,” said Johny Anderson, JAG specialist at Arsenal Technical High School.  “I think this experience was great for the students to actually try out the forklift simulator and learn more about the forklifts as well as learn about different careers and opportunities in logistics itself.”

In addition to these hands-on experiences, the students spoke with a ProLogistix sales representative, a human resources generalist from Meritor, and Laura Steele from the Hendricks Logistics Sector Partnership, learning about various career paths in the industry.

Nigel Franklin, a junior at Arsenal Technical High School, moved to Indianapolis from Virginia this summer. “During enrollment, my counselor gave me this class and I’ve loved it ever since,” he said. His favorite part of the day was learning about the different types of machines and getting to try on the harness for the cherry picker forklift. After spending the day learning about the logistics industry, he said, “I am definitely interested in logistics. Hopefully I have more tours like this coming up.”

Talent Tours are a great chance to share the core mission of your business with young learners, while also showing the variety of employment opportunities and skills needed to keep your business moving. By providing a better understanding of your work to young adults, you can plant a seed for potential future talent to consider the varying areas of your industry as a they make decisions that lead them into their career. EmployIndy can help facilitate your organization’s involvement in work-based learning through a menu of options in our Talent Bound work-based learning toolkit – learn more by connecting with an employer engagement manager.

Posted on June 24th, 2019 in Organizational Updates, Success Story Tags:

The Jessica Brown Memorial Scholarship is distributed each year in honor of our dear EmployIndy colleague who passed on April 18, 2018, to a student who exemplifies Jessica’s selfless personality and passion for volunteer work. This year, the second annual Jessica Brown Memorial Scholarship was given to Chloe Thaman, graduating senior from Decatur Central High School.

“I was so surprised when they called my name,” she said. “I thought my interview wouldn’t go well because I was so nervous beforehand, but I just talked about the things I love to do and how I’m passionate about helping those around me.”

Chloe Thaman (left) poses with her award, alongside EmployIndy's associate director of school engagement, Beth Bowling

As part of the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program, Chloe held the position of Civic Awareness and Community Service Chair. She is passionate about making sure others feel included and encourages them to get involved in different volunteer opportunities – just like Jessica. “She is just one of those people who is always trying to find a way to make everyone’s day better,” said Julie Flint, Chloe’s JAG Specialist for the past two years.

Chloe connected the Decatur Central JAG Program with Worthington Place, a local senior living community, to host game nights and engage the residents. In addition, she regularly volunteered at Gleaners Food Bank and Operation Shoebox where she prepared gift boxes for families in need.

Alongside her hours of community service, Chloe worked at Meals on Wheels where she has been described as a model employee and valuable team member. But she decided to take her role one step further, connecting Meals on Wheels to JAG by assisting in the scheduling of them to come and speak to her JAG class.

Chloe is planning to go to Ivy Tech Community College this fall where she will complete her general studies courses prior to transferring to a four-year university to study social work and music. Her dream is to perform on Broadway, and she wants to connect her love of music and acting with social work as a way to help people.

TIF Training Grants

The funding for TIF Training Grants comes from the NextLevel Jobs program, overseen by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. These grantees are reimbursed for their work to hire, train, and retain Indianapolis workers. It removes the financial barriers that many employers face during the hiring process and allows them to provide opportunities for growth and employee success throughout the training process.

Story of Impact

Increasing Employer and Workforce Engagement

The vision behind NextLevel Jobs stems from the need to engage the current workforce and provide individuals with opportunities to grow within their company. In order to receive reimbursement for hiring and training, the employee must stay on for at minimum six months.

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