Posted on November 17th, 2022 in
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On Wednesday, November 2nd, 72 JAG students gathered at the Indianapolis National Guard Armory for the 2022 Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Indy Leadership Development Conference (LDC), supported by over 30 staff members from JAG, EmployIndy and the National Guard. JAG is a state-affiliated program based on a national model, available to juniors and seniors in high school that teaches resume building, career exploration and creates available tools for students to explore different curricula. The LDC is an event for JAG Chapter Officers to attend Career Association training, serving as a hands-on method to display and acquire team building, leadership and employability skills. The LDC also offers students a broader perspective on their involvement in the Regional, State, and National network of JAG programs and partners.

The LDC provided JAG students with the opportunity to engage in teachings and activities to build their teamwork and independent skills together. “It was nice meeting new people and, overall, my favorite part about the LDC was being an emcee and being able to enjoy the activities!” said Decatur Central High School Senior Eleny, who emceed the event.
Every year JAG allows 4 students from each of the 19 JAG Indy programs to attend the LDC and this year JAG students were tested with physical, mental, and problem-solving tasks throughout the event. “Throughout the day, you will be challenged to think outside the box, work as a team, meet new people and expand your comfort zone,” said Crispus Attucks JAG alum James Vann-Mincy, who also emceed the event.
During the event, JAG students were honored with inspiring words from key guest speaker House District 98, Representative Robin Shackleford who spoke about her journey and being a leader of change.

Thank you to our wonderful JAG sponsors, The Indiana National Guard, EmployIndy, The Indiana Department of Workforce Development, and Transition Resources Corporation, for helping make this event possible.
You can learn more about Jobs for America’s Graduates in Marion County by visiting:
116 Indianapolis Jobs for America's Graduates students prove employability skills to community leaders and employers at JAG Career Development Conference
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – February 11, 2020 – Today 116 Indianapolis high school juniors and seniors met at the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites for the regional Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Career Development Conference. Each student utilized the employability skills they have learned in their JAG classrooms over the course of the past year, competing in challenges such as chapter marketing campaigns, launching entrepreneurship plans, providing creative solutions, demonstrating critical thinking and employability skills, and more.
“We are proud to partner with and host the JAG Career Development Conference,” said Joe Melton, General Manager at Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites. “Our hotel is excited to be introducing young people to all that the hospitality industry has to offer through work experiences and job shadowing opportunities. The JAG Career Development Conference is one way that young people are able explore their skills and prepare for their future – and we are glad to play a role in that.”
The backbone behind JAG is preparing students for the workforce by introducing them to not only employability skills, but by introducing them to different industries, employers, and work experiences. The JAG Career Development Conference is an opportunity for students demonstrate their skills, with two individuals from each competition attending the State Career Development Conference next month. In addition to recognizing these students’ successes, six individuals were chosen as Outstanding Seniors, an award recognizing select high school seniors who have gone above and beyond in community involvement and are viewed as leaders among their peers.
“Before JAG I was very quiet and lacked basic skills that would prevent me from becoming successful,” said Zoey Lewis, Outstanding Senior from Indianapolis Metropolitan High School. “Now JAG has helped me prepare for my life during and after high school. It has developed me into a more equipped student by building my communication and leadership skills, so I am prepared for college and life after high school. I have been exposed to people who work in different career paths, received help throughout the college process, and built confidence in myself. As a first-generation college student, I’m not sure that I would have pushed myself to continue without the support of JAG.”
Even more than learning about employability skills, Zoey has become the JAG Career Association President and Valedictorian of her class. This opportunity provides stronger pathways for young people as they explore career opportunities and build confidence in who they are and what they can do.
“JAG helps students not only while they are in high school, but prepares them for what comes next,” said Erika Cheney, director of in-school youth at EmployIndy. “That is the vision behind the Career Development Conference – that students will be able to demonstrate their skills to prove to employers and themselves that they can do big things.”
A special recognition to our Gold Level Sponsor, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 481 (IBEW Local 481). Thank you for your generous contribution and support of the Jobs for America’s Graduates program.
To our Ecosystem Partners, Supporters and Influencers –
Over the past decade, Indianapolis has seen an 80 percent increase in individuals living in poverty. This is unacceptable. In an effort to discontinue impoverishing more families, EmployIndy aims to not only grow our programs and initiatives, but to invest in services for residents directly impacted by lack of access to education and training and jobs not paying a living, middle class wage.
In 2017, EmployIndy made a promise to the community to be a catalyst for change. Through addressing systemic barriers for entry-level workers by supporting employers; creating a positive trajectory for young adults by providing them with increased opportunities; and allocating resources to invest in our most marginalized neighborhoods, EmployIndy has recently concluded the second year of its strategic effort to establish a comprehensive workforce ecosystem for Indianapolis.
While there is still more work to be done, I invite you to peruse the highlights of our efforts throughout program year 2018. As EmployIndy reflects on year two of our Strategic Plan, we call out the barriers to quality employment for residents living in poverty and identify the tactical solutions that serve as a cornerstone to our programs and initiatives for underserved and underrepresented neighbors. By expanding our community reach through high school and postsecondary initiatives and increasing our access to individuals who are upskilling and re-engaging in the workforce, EmployIndy has played a major role in investing in the education, training and job placement of tens of thousands of residents.
We could not have done this without our partners. From educators in the K-12 space to passionate and committed employers to community and faith-based organizations working directly with previously incarcerated workers, we have come together to provide hope, encourage determination, inspire resiliency, reduce barriers and open doors for success.
Thank you to all our stakeholders who have played a role in identifying and executing on solutions that focus on increasing access and opportunity for our fellow Indianapolis residents. EmployIndy continues to grow these pivotal relationships as we endeavor with your help to build a pipeline of workers for a strong regional economy, invest in young people and contribute to reversing the growth of poverty in our community.
– Angela Carr Klitzsch, EmployIndy President & CEO