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Success Story: Christian

Posted on September 25th, 2017 in Success Story Tags: ,

Christian's Story

Christian was enjoying her time as a pharmacy technician but wanted to pursue a medical profession where she had the opportunity to interact one-on-one with patients. Because of this, she always dreamed of becoming a registered nurse (RN) and was approaching a point in her life where she was ready to start taking steps to reach her goal. However, before any growth could occur, it was necessary for Christian to further her education, gain patient exposure, and go through the job search process.

First, she tried applying for positions where she could connect with patients and simply gain exposure within a hospital to improve her resume. However, without connections, education, or a background filled with patient experience, she was not able to obtain further employment.

“The Employ Up coaches checked in with me. I had a good support system and knew I could count on their support throughout my job search.”

Through a stroke of luck, Christian was connected with EmployIndy and introduced to Employ Up, a service center dedicated to helping job seekers reach the next step in their career. With their help, she created and improved her LinkedIn profile, updated her resume, and received both professional and emotional support.

After these skills were attained, the next step was furthering her education, and with the financial help of Employ Up, she was able to obtain funds for nursing school and improve her resume through connections established by EmployIndy by obtaining a hospital support staff position. Today, Christian has earned a BSN/RN and is furthering her career as a surgical ICU nurse.

TIF Training Grants

The funding for TIF Training Grants comes from the NextLevel Jobs program, overseen by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. These grantees are reimbursed for their work to hire, train, and retain Indianapolis workers. It removes the financial barriers that many employers face during the hiring process and allows them to provide opportunities for growth and employee success throughout the training process.

Story of Impact

Increasing Employer and Workforce Engagement

The vision behind NextLevel Jobs stems from the need to engage the current workforce and provide individuals with opportunities to grow within their company. In order to receive reimbursement for hiring and training, the employee must stay on for at minimum six months.

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