Indy High School Students Highlighted for Career Development Skills at Virtual Regional Competition
2022 Regional JAG Career Development Conference celebrates high school student’s career readiness and employability skills development
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – February 23, 2022 – Yesterday afternoon, the Regional Jobs for America’s Graduates Career Development Conference took place virtually, showcasing the skills that Marion County students have learned throughout their time in the Job for America’s Graduates (JAG) program. Jobs for America’s Graduates is a program for high school juniors and seniors that helps arm them with the career development and employability skills to be successful after high school – whether they choose to pursue a postsecondary degree, a credential or enter the workforce. This annual conference provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their career readiness skills, in a competition format, that they learn throughout the school year.
“We are so proud of our students who have worked so hard to build important career readiness skills that will help them succeed in the future,” said Erika Cheney, Vice President of K-12 at EmployIndy. “While we would love to be in person today rather than virtual, we know that this opportunity to showcase their skills is still so important to their development.”
During the 2021-2022 school year, JAG served 807 students in 15 Indianapolis area schools. Traditionally, the Regional JAG Career Development Conference would be a full-day in-person event, with over a hundred student participants demonstrating career readiness skills in front of dozens of volunteer judges. Competitions include critical thinking, financial literacy, employability skills, entrepreneurship, public speaking, outstanding seniors, and more.
“It is incredible to see the confidence and desire on display during this competition,” said Angela Carr Klitzsch, President & CEO of EmployIndy. “These young people are learning essential employability skills that will last them far beyond high school and prepare them to be a successful employee and addition to the workforce.”
Among the various competitions and student displays, this year’s event welcomed keynote speaker Flora Jones, Director of Student Pathways at the Indiana Department of Education, as well as a host of sponsors who made this event possible.
You can learn more about JAG Indiana by visiting
Gold Sponsors
Indiana Army National Guard
PNC Bank
Award Recipients
Chapter Brochure:
McKenzie Center for Innovation and Technology
Ben Davis High School
Warren Central High School
Chapter Social Media Campaign:
Beech Grove High School
Ben Davis High School
Chapter Commercial:
Arsenal Technical High School
Beech Grove High School
Team Entrepreneurship Plan:
Decatur Central High School 1
Ben Davis High School 2
Decatur Central High School 2
Career Presentation:
LaQuera Williams, Southport High School
Nevaeh Smith, Shortridge High School
Michaela Ingram, Decatur Central High School 2
Digital Invitation/Cover Design:
Lisette Minera, Ben Davis High School
James Vann-Mincy, Jr., Crispus Attucks High School
Joselyn Mejia, Shortridge High School
Creative Solutions:
Larry Long, Decatur Central High School 2
Dekeem Sanders, Decatur Township School for Excellence
Kollin Sweeney, Ben Davis High School 1
Critical Thinking:
Amaya Henry, Shortridge High School
Elijah Reid, Decatur Central High School 2
Prince Ndahiriwe, Decatur Central High School 1
Employability Skills:
Grace Gill, Decatur Central High School 1
Clint Harris, Warren Central High School
Kayana Dickerson, Crispus Attucks High School
Financial Literacy:
Shaniya Stanford, Decatur Central High School 2
Hailey Wood, Decatur Central High School 1
Ciarra Searcy, Crispus Attucks High School
Public Speaking:
Kameron Durham, Shortridge High School
Sarah Bennett, Southport High School
Basra Isaack, Decatur Central High School 2
Writing Skills:
Amonn Burns, George Washington High School
Malachi Flournoy, Shortridge High School
Isioma Dumbili, Crispus Attucks High School
Outstanding Seniors:
Nevaeh Smith, Shortridge High School
Emily Baca-Stewart, George Washington High School
Sharon Oyatayo, Decatur Central High School 2
About EmployIndy
EmployIndy guides the local workforce ecosystem and makes strategic investments to remove barriers to quality employment for underserved and underrepresented residents. Our vision is for all Marion County residents to have access to services and training necessary to secure a livable wage and grow in a career that meets employer demand for talent. As the workforce development board for Marion County, guided by 24 business, civic, education and nonprofit community leaders, EmployIndy invests $25 million in public, private and philanthropic funds for both youth and adults annually. Learn more at