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Posted on May 24th, 2023 in Events, Success Story

Nothing brings people together in Indiana more than a good game of basketball. When two teams tipped off the 2023 YES Indy Pivot League championship game at Mount Carmel Church in Indianapolis, the gym was filled with excitement as spectators were treated to a high-energy game. During halftime, EmployIndy's Executive Vice President of Workforce Solutions, Rev. Rodney Francis, and District 14 Councillor, La Keisha Jackson, recognized this year’s sponsors for their support in elevating the Pivot League and local community efforts. The evening concluded with an awards ceremony where the winning team, representing the Community Alliance of the Far Eastside (CAFE), was awarded a check for $3,000.

The YES Indy PIVOT League is an 8-week basketball league, first launched in 2021, designed to bring young adults into a safe place where they can build relationships and connect to services that help them move forward in their education and career. In Central Indiana, there are roughly 30,000 Opportunity Youth, or young people, ages 16-24, who are not currently engaged in education or the workforce. The mission of EmployIndy’s “Youth Employment System” (YES), and the Pivot League, is to create a positive trajectory for these young adults by getting them re-engaged and providing opportunities and pathways to prepare them for future success. 

“The PIVOT League grew out of our Re-Engagement Centers (RECs), which offer open gym basketball as a workforce recruitment strategy to re-engage disconnected young adults,” said Rev. Francis. “It’s the only league primarily focused on improving players' stats off the court.” To participate in the League, young adults must “pivot” towards engagement in education by enrolling in a GED/HSE program, college, industry training, or YES Indy, or by being connected to gainful employment.

“I signed up for the basketball league because I think my team can win it,” said Duran Lewis, Pivot League participant. “ I also recently completed a Power Huddle with YES Indy and I got some good life lessons out of it. It taught me to be myself, keep pushing, and most of all to be grateful. Right now I am in the YouthBuild program and I enrolled to get my GED through Edna Martin Christian Center at Martin University.”

One way that YES Indy helps to break down mindset barriers for young people, regardless of their history, is through the YES Indy Power Huddle program, a two-week job readiness experience where individuals learn how they can change their future trajectory as well as develop a variety of employability skills that will help them map out and work towards reaching their academic, career, and life goals. For young people like Duran, getting involved on the court through open gyms at a YES Indy REC or through participating in the Pivot League often leads to getting connected to helpful programs and services off the court, like the Power Huddle.

“The City League understands the power that basketball holds in our culture. We are excited to work with EmployIndy to bring high-level basketball to the young men of Indianapolis, while also helping participants get connected to people and training, giving them the necessary opportunities to move forward in life.” said Austin Taylor, Executive Director of The City League. As a key partner and organizer for the Pivot League, The City League’s reputation as a leader in organizing high-level basketball in our city has been an important asset as the Pivot League seeks to attract players and fans.

EmployIndy’s partnership with Mt. Carmel Church has also been a key component of the league as it seeks to create a safe space for players to grow off the court as well as on it. “Mt. Carmel Church is a church of the community, finding ways to demonstrate our love for God and our neighbor through education and socially, and financially empowering our community,” said Rev. Lola Bartlett, a Mt. Carmel Church staff member. “Working with YES Indy and The City League helps us in fulfilling our mission by educating our young men and providing them with a constructive place to practice being a team in the game and in life.“

The Pivot League would like to extend a big thank you to this year’s volunteers and organizations that make this collaborative league possible. This year’s sponsors include Finish Line Foundation, Training for Success LLC, Turner Housing, Mt. Carmel Church, EmployIndy, CAFE, FASTENAL, and Heritage Group.

The Pivot League will return in the Spring of 2024, but YES Indy RECs and The City League will continue to offer ongoing opportunities for young people in our city, through open gym sessions at the YES Indy RECs and other basketball tournaments throughout the year via The City League. If you’re a young person looking to get connected to employment services, visit the YES Indy website.

For Indianapolis employers or community partners who are interested in participating and sponsoring the 2024 Pivot League, please fill out the league sponsor form.


Posted on February 17th, 2023 in Uncategorized

Jobs for America’s Graduates students prove employability skills to community leaders and employers at JAG Career Development Conference

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – February 17, 2023 – Yesterday, over 100 Indianapolis high school juniors and seniors met at Martin University for the regional Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Career Development Conference. Each student utilized the employability skills they have learned in their JAG classrooms over the course of the past year, competing in challenges such as chapter marketing campaigns, launching entrepreneurship plans, providing creative solutions, demonstrating critical thinking and employability skills, and more.

JAG is preparing students for the workforce by introducing them to not only employability skills, but by introducing them to different industries, employers, and work experiences. 

“We are so proud of all the hard work our students have put into preparing for this day,” said Erika Cheney, Vice President of K-12 at EmployIndy. “JAG teaches students important career readiness skills that will help them succeed in the future.”

The Regional JAG Career Development Conference is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills, with the top individual from each competition qualifying to attend the State JAG Career Development Conference taking place on March 17th at Ivy Tech Culinary and Conference Center. In addition to recognizing these students’ successes, four individuals were nominated by their JAG Specialist as outstanding senior candidates, an award recognizing select high school seniors who have gone above and beyond in community involvement and are viewed as leaders among their peers. 

“I will continue and further motivate others to join JAG and pursue their dreams and goals for their time in high school and moving forward,” said Michaela Ingram, outstanding senior from Decatur Central High School. Ingram was named Region 12’s JAG Outstanding Senior for 2023 and will compete for the top honor against the other eleven workforce development regions in the State. 

This year’s keynote speaker, Marian University history professor and diversity and inclusion consultant, Evan Casey told students, “Don’t just accept what you have been told at face value. Dig, examine, investigate, challenge. That is what is at the heart of who we are historically as a nation and that is part of what JAG is trying to instill in you.”

Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett inspired the young crowd with his remarks and took the time to greet students and congratulated every winner at this year’s award ceremony.

Special recognition to our Gold Level Sponsors, B&W Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Drains and PNC Bank. Thank you for your generous contribution and support of the Jobs for America’s Graduates program.

Posted on February 7th, 2023 in Events, Organizational Updates, Press Releases

Marion County youths now have a choice when it comes to skills training. EmployIndy is launching a YouthBuild AmeriCorps Construction and Advance Manufacturing industries training and job placement opportunity for young adults ages 18 – 24.

YouthBuild Indy, in partnership with YouthBuild USA, AmeriCorps, Marian University, Martindale Brightwood Community Development Corporation, Training for Success LLC, and Turner Built  Indianapolis, will be offering this 18-week training for those Marion County residents ages 18-24 who are looking to get construction training or earn their HSE/GED while being paid.

The Construction industry in Marion County is projected to continue growing over the next five years, adding nearly 700 positions to the already great need due to the replacement and retirement of existing workers.

Participants can earn up to $6,780 as well as their high school diploma or equivalency. Students will also earn an NCCER construction certification and may qualify for a $1,300 AmeriCorps education award, work experience and job placement.

The Construction training program will take place from March 20th through July 21st, 2023. Classes meet every Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM. An information session will be held on March 1st at 37 Place Community Center, located at 2605 E 25th Street Indianapolis, IN 46218.


Additionally, EmloyIndy’s YES Indy in partnership with Public Advocate in Community re-Entry (PACE), Training For Success, Marian University, Conexus Catapult and Ivy Tech Community College is sponsoring a 13-week Advanced Manufacturing training course, beginning on March 6th. Participants can earn up to $5,930 and a Catapult Advanced Manufacturing Standardized Work Training Certificate; they will also gain 6 Ivy Tech Community College credit hours, work experience and job placement.

The training requires a High School Diploma, GED, or High School Equivalency. Participants must be 18 – 24 years old, have six months or more of stable work history, access to transportation and want to pursue a manufacturing career. Advanced Manufacturing training starts with an orientation on March 1st and training will be held March 6th through June 2nd, classes meet every Monday through Friday at various times and locations. Limited spots are available for this training.


The registration deadline for both training courses is February 24th. Reentry and justice-involved are welcome to apply.

TIF Training Grants

The funding for TIF Training Grants comes from the NextLevel Jobs program, overseen by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. These grantees are reimbursed for their work to hire, train, and retain Indianapolis workers. It removes the financial barriers that many employers face during the hiring process and allows them to provide opportunities for growth and employee success throughout the training process.

Story of Impact

Increasing Employer and Workforce Engagement

The vision behind NextLevel Jobs stems from the need to engage the current workforce and provide individuals with opportunities to grow within their company. In order to receive reimbursement for hiring and training, the employee must stay on for at minimum six months.

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