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Posted on February 7th, 2023 in Events, Organizational Updates, Press Releases

Marion County youths now have a choice when it comes to skills training. EmployIndy is launching a YouthBuild AmeriCorps Construction and Advance Manufacturing industries training and job placement opportunity for young adults ages 18 – 24.

YouthBuild Indy, in partnership with YouthBuild USA, AmeriCorps, Marian University, Martindale Brightwood Community Development Corporation, Training for Success LLC, and Turner Built  Indianapolis, will be offering this 18-week training for those Marion County residents ages 18-24 who are looking to get construction training or earn their HSE/GED while being paid.

The Construction industry in Marion County is projected to continue growing over the next five years, adding nearly 700 positions to the already great need due to the replacement and retirement of existing workers.

Participants can earn up to $6,780 as well as their high school diploma or equivalency. Students will also earn an NCCER construction certification and may qualify for a $1,300 AmeriCorps education award, work experience and job placement.

The Construction training program will take place from March 20th through July 21st, 2023. Classes meet every Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM. An information session will be held on March 1st at 37 Place Community Center, located at 2605 E 25th Street Indianapolis, IN 46218.


Additionally, EmloyIndy’s YES Indy in partnership with Public Advocate in Community re-Entry (PACE), Training For Success, Marian University, Conexus Catapult and Ivy Tech Community College is sponsoring a 13-week Advanced Manufacturing training course, beginning on March 6th. Participants can earn up to $5,930 and a Catapult Advanced Manufacturing Standardized Work Training Certificate; they will also gain 6 Ivy Tech Community College credit hours, work experience and job placement.

The training requires a High School Diploma, GED, or High School Equivalency. Participants must be 18 – 24 years old, have six months or more of stable work history, access to transportation and want to pursue a manufacturing career. Advanced Manufacturing training starts with an orientation on March 1st and training will be held March 6th through June 2nd, classes meet every Monday through Friday at various times and locations. Limited spots are available for this training.


The registration deadline for both training courses is February 24th. Reentry and justice-involved are welcome to apply.

Posted on December 7th, 2022 in Events, Success Story

The Heritage Group is a fourth-generation, family-owned, Indianapolis company that manages a diverse portfolio that specializes in heavy construction, environmental services, and specialty chemicals. They also intentionally invest in the communities where they operate.

“At The Heritage Group, we think in generations, not quarters,” said Lucy Wehlage, The Heritage Group’s Early-In-Career Talent and Program Coordinator. “And young talent…is essential for so many reasons.”

Many EmployIndy programs are aligned with The Heritage Group’s focus on outreach to such talent, and EmployIndy’s Business Partnerships team was recently able to coordinate a collaborative meeting with their talent acquisition team and representatives from Indy Achieves and Talent Bound, both EmployIndy programs.

In 2018, Mayor Joe Hogsett and the City of Indianapolis launched Indy Achieves to respond to Indianapolis’ rapidly-changing labor market with the goal of ensuring that every Marion County resident can pursue and complete a postsecondary degree or credential. The program provides scholarship money to IUPUI and Ivy Tech students and connects them with employers like the Heritage Group for job shadowing opportunities, mentorships, internships, and potential job placement.

The Heritage Group’s Early-In-Career Talent Specialist, Lexie Seward, participated in an Indy Achieves event last spring and has maintained contact with some of the students she met there. “We are committed to mentoring and developing our early-in-career talent. We know the work we put into young professionals will make a difference in the future success of our company.”

Talent Bound is one way that EmployIndy connects Marion County students to a network of engaged businesses for career education and work-based learning opportunities. This is also, of course, a great opportunity for places like The Heritage Group to get in front of, and to spread awareness of their own brand, to high school students who are starting to think about post-graduation plans.

According to Matt Simpson, Associate Director of Talent Bound, “A lot of today’s students are interested in sustainability, so it has been good for some of those students to learn that places like The Heritage Group are trying to make those ideas and interests a reality.”

If your company is looking for innovative ways to engage with young and future talent, but is not yet involved with Talent Bound, reach out to EmployIndy’s Business Partnerships team, who would be happy to help get your questions answered and your next steps moving.


Posted on November 17th, 2022 in Events Tags:

On Wednesday, November 2nd, 72 JAG students gathered at the Indianapolis National Guard Armory for the 2022 Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Indy Leadership Development Conference (LDC), supported by over 30 staff members from JAG, EmployIndy and the National Guard. JAG is a state-affiliated program based on a national model, available to juniors and seniors in high school that teaches resume building, career exploration and creates available tools for students to explore different curricula. The LDC is an event for JAG Chapter Officers to attend Career Association training, serving as a hands-on method to display and acquire team building, leadership and employability skills. The LDC also offers students a broader perspective on their involvement in the Regional, State, and National network of JAG programs and partners.










The LDC provided JAG students with the opportunity to engage in teachings and activities to build their teamwork and independent skills together. “It was nice meeting new people and, overall, my favorite part about the LDC was being an emcee and being able to enjoy the activities!” said Decatur Central High School Senior Eleny, who emceed the event.

Every year JAG allows 4 students from each of the 19 JAG Indy programs to attend the LDC and this year JAG students were tested with physical, mental, and problem-solving tasks throughout the event. “Throughout the day, you will be challenged to think outside the box, work as a team, meet new people and expand your comfort zone,” said Crispus Attucks JAG alum James Vann-Mincy, who also emceed the event.

During the event, JAG students were honored with inspiring words from key guest speaker House District 98, Representative Robin Shackleford who spoke about her journey and being a leader of change.

Thank you to our wonderful JAG sponsors, The Indiana National Guard, EmployIndy, The Indiana Department of Workforce Development, and Transition Resources Corporation, for helping make this event possible.

You can learn more about Jobs for America’s Graduates in Marion County by visiting:

TIF Training Grants

The funding for TIF Training Grants comes from the NextLevel Jobs program, overseen by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. These grantees are reimbursed for their work to hire, train, and retain Indianapolis workers. It removes the financial barriers that many employers face during the hiring process and allows them to provide opportunities for growth and employee success throughout the training process.

Story of Impact

Increasing Employer and Workforce Engagement

The vision behind NextLevel Jobs stems from the need to engage the current workforce and provide individuals with opportunities to grow within their company. In order to receive reimbursement for hiring and training, the employee must stay on for at minimum six months.

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