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Posted on May 24th, 2023 in Events, Success Story

Nothing brings people together in Indiana more than a good game of basketball. When two teams tipped off the 2023 YES Indy Pivot League championship game at Mount Carmel Church in Indianapolis, the gym was filled with excitement as spectators were treated to a high-energy game. During halftime, EmployIndy's Executive Vice President of Workforce Solutions, Rev. Rodney Francis, and District 14 Councillor, La Keisha Jackson, recognized this year’s sponsors for their support in elevating the Pivot League and local community efforts. The evening concluded with an awards ceremony where the winning team, representing the Community Alliance of the Far Eastside (CAFE), was awarded a check for $3,000.

The YES Indy PIVOT League is an 8-week basketball league, first launched in 2021, designed to bring young adults into a safe place where they can build relationships and connect to services that help them move forward in their education and career. In Central Indiana, there are roughly 30,000 Opportunity Youth, or young people, ages 16-24, who are not currently engaged in education or the workforce. The mission of EmployIndy’s “Youth Employment System” (YES), and the Pivot League, is to create a positive trajectory for these young adults by getting them re-engaged and providing opportunities and pathways to prepare them for future success. 

“The PIVOT League grew out of our Re-Engagement Centers (RECs), which offer open gym basketball as a workforce recruitment strategy to re-engage disconnected young adults,” said Rev. Francis. “It’s the only league primarily focused on improving players' stats off the court.” To participate in the League, young adults must “pivot” towards engagement in education by enrolling in a GED/HSE program, college, industry training, or YES Indy, or by being connected to gainful employment.

“I signed up for the basketball league because I think my team can win it,” said Duran Lewis, Pivot League participant. “ I also recently completed a Power Huddle with YES Indy and I got some good life lessons out of it. It taught me to be myself, keep pushing, and most of all to be grateful. Right now I am in the YouthBuild program and I enrolled to get my GED through Edna Martin Christian Center at Martin University.”

One way that YES Indy helps to break down mindset barriers for young people, regardless of their history, is through the YES Indy Power Huddle program, a two-week job readiness experience where individuals learn how they can change their future trajectory as well as develop a variety of employability skills that will help them map out and work towards reaching their academic, career, and life goals. For young people like Duran, getting involved on the court through open gyms at a YES Indy REC or through participating in the Pivot League often leads to getting connected to helpful programs and services off the court, like the Power Huddle.

“The City League understands the power that basketball holds in our culture. We are excited to work with EmployIndy to bring high-level basketball to the young men of Indianapolis, while also helping participants get connected to people and training, giving them the necessary opportunities to move forward in life.” said Austin Taylor, Executive Director of The City League. As a key partner and organizer for the Pivot League, The City League’s reputation as a leader in organizing high-level basketball in our city has been an important asset as the Pivot League seeks to attract players and fans.

EmployIndy’s partnership with Mt. Carmel Church has also been a key component of the league as it seeks to create a safe space for players to grow off the court as well as on it. “Mt. Carmel Church is a church of the community, finding ways to demonstrate our love for God and our neighbor through education and socially, and financially empowering our community,” said Rev. Lola Bartlett, a Mt. Carmel Church staff member. “Working with YES Indy and The City League helps us in fulfilling our mission by educating our young men and providing them with a constructive place to practice being a team in the game and in life.“

The Pivot League would like to extend a big thank you to this year’s volunteers and organizations that make this collaborative league possible. This year’s sponsors include Finish Line Foundation, Training for Success LLC, Turner Housing, Mt. Carmel Church, EmployIndy, CAFE, FASTENAL, and Heritage Group.

The Pivot League will return in the Spring of 2024, but YES Indy RECs and The City League will continue to offer ongoing opportunities for young people in our city, through open gym sessions at the YES Indy RECs and other basketball tournaments throughout the year via The City League. If you’re a young person looking to get connected to employment services, visit the YES Indy website.

For Indianapolis employers or community partners who are interested in participating and sponsoring the 2024 Pivot League, please fill out the league sponsor form.


Posted on May 23rd, 2023 in Events, Success Story

Close to fifty employers from eleven different industries joined EmployIndy for a sunny and warm outdoor career fair at George Washington High School on Friday, May 5.

Roughly 450 students ranging from freshmen to seniors circulated around the track, talking with employers, to learn about immediate and long-term educational and professional opportunities that are available in Central Indiana.

“It’s so rewarding to see all of these professionals get involved and engaged with students as they explore options for the next phase of their lives,” said EmployIndy’s Talent Bound Manager, Tressie Kaufman, who helped coordinate the event.

EmployIndy's Talent Bound program partners with the local business community to provide career exploration and career-connected learning opportunities for young people that not only increase informed decision making and help them develop critical skills needed to succeed in the future of work, but also provides employers an avenue to be proactive in developing a talent pipeline for their organization.

EmployIndy encourages its business partners to engage with Talent Bound in multiple ways as it provides a wide range of ways to get involved, including: talent talks, talent prep, talent prep, talent mentors, talent tours, talent shadows, talent challenges, talent internships, talent apprenticeships, and talent hires.

Career fairs fall under the “talent day” umbrella, where employers or industry professionals can share information about a specific company, workplace responsibilities, and job skills in effort to allow young people to explore future career pathways.

EmployIndy caught up with two of the businesses participating at the event, Viant and Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis (FHLBank Indianapolis) to learn more about what brought them to the career fair on a Friday morning.

Viant’s HR Generalist, Alexia Prokopos, said she came “to get the word out” about her company, as there is a concern about filling their talent behind upcoming retirees. Viant manufactures medical devices, and Prokopos emphasized that the company provides partial tuition reimbursement to employees who wish to pursue higher education and that it prioritizes internal development and promotions for their workers.

Meanwhile, FHLBank Indianapolis HR Generalist Emily Thomas described her institution as a “bank for other financial institutions” with about 260 employees in Indianapolis. She emphasized that tellers and financial advisors are not among those job titles. Instead, needs at FHLBank Indianapolis range from technical roles like computer engineering and IT to business and financial roles like business intelligence and risk analysts. Roles like these require bachelor’s degrees, but Thomas was also promoting the company’s internship program and said that she also just enjoyed talking with students and learning more about what they are interested in.

Amazon, FedEx Ground, IU Health, YMCA of Greater Indianapolis, Adidas Warehouse, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, Ed Martin, Keurig Dr. Pepper, Nissan, Kroger, the Indiana Air National Guard, Eli Lilly, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, Project Indy and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department are a few of the organizations that also had a presence at the event.

Visit to learn more about the range of career-connected learning activities through which your business can begin to develop a new talent pipeline. To get started, reach out to our Business Partnerships at or visit our team webpage to learn more.

Posted on April 17th, 2023 in Events, Local News, Press Releases

INDIANAPOLIS – April 17, 2023 – This morning, Mayor Joe Hogsett, City-County Council President Vop Osili, EmployIndy, and community partners announced the launch of YES Indy’s new Re-Engagement Center (REC), located at Watkins Park. EmployIndy’s “Youth Employment System”, YES Indy, established the REC model to provide safe spaces where “Opportunity Youth” – residents ages 16-24 who have disconnected from education and/or employment – can participate in open gym basketball and get connected to career services. 

“The more accessible we can make post-secondary education and employment, the more people will choose that path,” said Mayor Joe Hogsett. “By addressing significant barriers to school and jobs, the new YES Indy REC at Watkins Park makes resuming your education or professional ambitions easier for residents of the northwest side.” 

In Central Indiana, there are an estimated 30,000 Opportunity Youth who are not engaged in education and or the workforce. Since the launch of the first YES Indy REC in 2018 at the Finish Line Boys & Girls Club, 2,476 young people have registered for open gym sessions, with 240 having been entered into the YES Indy system where they have received barrier-busting support (such as vouchers for child care, legal assistance, housing, or transportation), career services, and connection to education, training, and job opportunities. 

“In alignment with our strategic plan, YES Indy RECs are a tangible way EmployIndy seeks to promote equity and remove barriers to quality employment for underrepresented residents,” said Rev Rodney Francis, EmployIndy Chief Programs Officer. “As the importance of postsecondary training has grown, coaching and connection to career services have become even more vital to navigate options and persist through to completion.”

A major factor in the success of the REC model, and in particular the Watkins Park REC, is EmployIndy’s work to build collaborative partnerships with community organizations. Through a partnership with Indy Parks and Recreation, young people now have a space on the northwest side to get engaged and reconnect to education or the workforce through YES Indy. And through neighboring YES Indy provider Flanner House as well as service provider Training for Success LLC, career services and support are nearby to help them take that next step in their professional journey.  

“After having spent some time attending a university, and feeling it wasn’t a good fit, I found myself working several hourly jobs, with not much direction,” said Chance Blackwell, YES Indy Watkins Park REC participant. “Getting connected to Flanner House through the REC has been helpful as I look to pursue my EMT certification and use those skills to help others.”

Once engaged at the Watkins REC, young people also have the opportunity to enroll in the YES Indy Power Huddle, a two-week job readiness experience where they will learn to foster a growth mindset, as well as earn two Job Ready Indy badges: Mindsets and Social Skills. During the Power Huddle, participants reframe their view of their own future and are introduced to opportunities available through YES Indy, such as achieving their high school equivalency, working with a career coach, enrolling in training, and being connected to employment opportunities. Since 2018, 423 young people have participated in the Power Huddle program.

To make these collaborative efforts possible, EmployIndy has worked to combine funding from the City of Indianapolis and The Indianapolis Foundation (with supporting funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act), through the Elevation Grant Program

“By creating opportunities for youth to feel not only safe, but seen, trust is being built in spaces that systemically and historically have pushed them aside,” said Pamela Ross, Vice President of community leadership and equitable initiatives for The Indianapolis Foundation. “The result is youth who are more open, which allows the community to thrive.”

The YES Indy REC at Watkins Park will host open gym sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Residents interested in learning more about this REC location and available services are invited to attend a public open house on Saturday, April 22nd at 10:00 AM, that will feature a basketball tournament and the chance to connect with several local organizations, such as Indy Parks, that will have information on employment and training opportunities. For questions regarding the April 22nd open house, email Tawnya McCrary at

Youth and young adults can learn more about YES Indy services or connect to a YES Indy service provider at

TIF Training Grants

The funding for TIF Training Grants comes from the NextLevel Jobs program, overseen by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. These grantees are reimbursed for their work to hire, train, and retain Indianapolis workers. It removes the financial barriers that many employers face during the hiring process and allows them to provide opportunities for growth and employee success throughout the training process.

Story of Impact

Increasing Employer and Workforce Engagement

The vision behind NextLevel Jobs stems from the need to engage the current workforce and provide individuals with opportunities to grow within their company. In order to receive reimbursement for hiring and training, the employee must stay on for at minimum six months.

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