Posted on March 7th, 2024 in
Local News,
Press Releases
Indianapolis – March 7, 2024 – This morning, Mayor Joe Hogsett, EmployIndy, and partners kicked off the summer hiring season by announcing the 2024 edition of the Project Indy summer jobs initiative at Victory Field. Project Indy is currently offering nearly 2,450 available positions from over 100 local employers on its online platform at, which makes it easier than ever for young people to get connected to employers who are hiring.
“We’re excited to welcome the Indianapolis Indians and Victory Field into the Project Indy family of youth employers,” said Mayor Joe Hogsett. “Since 2016, thousands of young people and hundreds of local employers have used this tool to find and fill the jobs that support a more prosperous and qualified Indy workforce.”
Project Indy was launched in 2016 by Mayor Hogsett alongside EmployIndy, the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee (GIPC), and the Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY). Since its launch, Project Indy has empowered nearly 17,500 young adults in Marion County by providing work experiences that build their employability skills and allow them to explore new career fields. During that time, over 350 employers have posted open positions on the portal.
Youth ages 16-24 can get started using Project Indy’s virtual job board by simply texting “ProjectIndy” to 317-659-9657. This easy-to-use online platform utilizes text messaging to recruit and onboard job seekers, includes a location-based tool that works to connect youth to nearby opportunities, and also allows for filtering job opportunities by interest. Once registered, job seekers can easily apply to any of the hundreds of open positions by providing a few pieces of basic information.
By hiring young adults throughout Marion County, local employers provide soft-skill development and job-readiness training, playing an important role in training our future workforce. Employers, such as new Project Indy partner Indianapolis Indians, benefit by creating a talent pipeline for their business or industry.
“Hiring young people is key to our success and we feel Project Indy is going to benefit us a lot in that effort,” said Business Operations Manager at the Indianapolis Indians, Sarah Haynes. “Some of our key leaders got their start in part-time or internship positions here, and we look forward to sparking career interest in our new hires.”
EmployIndy, which administers Project Indy, will continue promoting the virtual platform through face-to-face recruiting at Indianapolis-area high schools, targeted social media campaigns, and presence at local youth hiring fairs. In 2023, over 700 young people in Indianapolis were connected to job opportunities through Project Indy.
“Project Indy is one of our Career-Connected Learning initiatives within EmployIndy that ensures young adults are prepared for success in the 21st-century economy,” said EmployIndy President + CEO, Marie Mackintosh. “Additionally, Project Indy gives employers the opportunity to modernize their recruitment strategy through discovering, hiring, and developing the right talent.”
In 2018, EmployIndy, in partnership with the City of Indianapolis and the Indy Chamber, launched Job Ready Indy, an online employability skills program focused on providing the soft skills needed to succeed in the workplace. When an individual completes one of the online courses, a Job Ready Indy badge will appear on their Project Indy profile – notifying an interested employer that they are deemed by EmployIndy and the Indy Chamber as someone who demonstrates the “job-ready” skills important to the workplace.
Employers interested in hiring youth can sign up to be a Project Indy partner here. Youth interested in joining the Project Indy platform can get started by simply texting “ProjectIndy” to 317-659-9657 or visiting
Posted on February 8th, 2024 in
Press Releases,
Success Story
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – February 8, 2024 – This morning, over 100 Indianapolis high school juniors and seniors met at Martin University for the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Indy Regional Career Development Conference. Each student utilized the employability skills they have learned in their JAG classrooms over the course of the past year, competing in challenges such as launching entrepreneurship plans, developing chapter marketing campaigns, providing creative solutions, demonstrating employability skills and critical thinking, and more.
The JAG Indy program prepares students for the workforce by introducing them to employability skills and different industries, employers, and work experiences.
“It's amazing to see the hard work that our JAG Indy students put in throughout the year, and then bring to this competition,” said Erika Cheney, Vice President of Career-Connected Learning at EmployIndy. “The career readiness skills and creativity on display here today point to a bright future for our workforce.”
The Regional JAG Indy Career Development Conference is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills, with the top individual from each competition qualifying to attend the State JAG Career Development Conference taking place in March 2024. In addition to recognizing these students’ successes, five individuals were nominated by their JAG Specialist as outstanding senior candidates, an award recognizing select high school seniors who have gone above and beyond in community involvement and are viewed as leaders among their peers.
“I’m thankful for everyone who supported me during this process. As I prepare for the state competition, l am committed to working even harder,” said Mariska Ogutu, outstanding senior from Ben Davis High School. Mariska was named Region 12’s JAG Outstanding Senior for 2024 and will compete for the top honor against the other eleven workforce development regions in the State.
This year’s keynote speaker, NBA and WNBA Host/Emcee and Global Brand Marketer, Olivia West, shared inspiring words with students as she set the stage for an outstanding day of competition and collaboration.
Indianapolis Deputy Mayor Judith Thomas also contributed greatly to the students’ experience with remarks and took the time to congratulate every winner at this year’s award ceremony.
This event was also successful because of our sponsors, including Gold Level Sponsor WM who has generously supported the Jobs for America’s Graduates program in Marion County.
Posted on October 6th, 2023 in
Speaking Engagements
On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, EmployIndy had the privilege of joining the Metropolitan School District (MSD) of Warren Township and Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) for Envision Day, an event bringing together key stakeholders to help shape the future success of students and workforce in the eastside school district.

Students, teachers, district leaders, parents, and community partners gathered at Indianapolis Marriot East to participate in a full day of discussion and planning activities aimed at creating the district’s next strategic plan, with an intentional PK-12 college and career readiness framework. Focused on the journey of a graduate and using a community-connected approach, the career readiness framework will allow students to explore industries as well as engage in and experience the career pathways available to them.
As the convening organization, EmployIndy will support Warren’s implementation and transformation into this community-based initiative that aims to ensure that all Warren students are prepared for either enrollment, enlistment, or employment after high school. “We’re excited to play a big role in this partnership by ensuring Warren Township schools have the tools and resources they need to reimagine career-connected learning in their district,” said Erika Cheney, Vice President of Career-Connected Learning for EmployIndy, a speaker at the event. “Through our Talent Bound program, we’ll provide meaningful experiences and opportunities for students through our employer connections and work with industry leaders.”
In partnership with Central Indiana Education Service Center (CIESC), Warren Township and six other Indiana school districts were awarded an Explore, Engage, and Experience (3E) Grant from the Indiana Department of Education to partner with Ford NGL to implement locally driven, strategic career pathways for their students. Each Ford NGL community has a dedicated Ford NGL Coach, who supports and guides communities as they develop and implement a Ford NGL Master Plan to scale and sustain a career academy network and prepare students for high-skill, high-wage careers.
“As we consider the Next Generation of Learners (NGL), with a realization that current Kindergartners will graduate in 2036, what knowledge, skills, attributes, and experiences do ALL Warren students need that are critical to their future success regardless of what path they choose?”, said Doug Harter Districts 3E Grant & Community Partnership Coordinator.
As the workforce development intermediary, EmployIndy works to help students and residents grow in a career that meets employer demand for talent. As part of this work, EmployIndy supports career-connected learning initiatives to provide real-world work experiences that help inform career choices and build skills. Learn more about our 2023-2025 strategic plan at:
For more information on Envision Day, visit