2nd Annual Jessica Brown Memorial Scholarship Awarded
The Jessica Brown Memorial Scholarship is distributed each year in honor of our dear EmployIndy colleague who passed on April 18, 2018, to a student who exemplifies Jessica’s selfless personality and passion for volunteer work. This year, the second annual Jessica Brown Memorial Scholarship was given to Chloe Thaman, graduating senior from Decatur Central High School.
“I was so surprised when they called my name,” she said. “I thought my interview wouldn’t go well because I was so nervous beforehand, but I just talked about the things I love to do and how I’m passionate about helping those around me.”
As part of the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program, Chloe held the position of Civic Awareness and Community Service Chair. She is passionate about making sure others feel included and encourages them to get involved in different volunteer opportunities – just like Jessica. “She is just one of those people who is always trying to find a way to make everyone’s day better,” said Julie Flint, Chloe’s JAG Specialist for the past two years.
Chloe connected the Decatur Central JAG Program with Worthington Place, a local senior living community, to host game nights and engage the residents. In addition, she regularly volunteered at Gleaners Food Bank and Operation Shoebox where she prepared gift boxes for families in need.
Alongside her hours of community service, Chloe worked at Meals on Wheels where she has been described as a model employee and valuable team member. But she decided to take her role one step further, connecting Meals on Wheels to JAG by assisting in the scheduling of them to come and speak to her JAG class.
Chloe is planning to go to Ivy Tech Community College this fall where she will complete her general studies courses prior to transferring to a four-year university to study social work and music. Her dream is to perform on Broadway, and she wants to connect her love of music and acting with social work as a way to help people.