One of EmployIndy’s roles in Marion County’s workforce ecosystem is to ensure that consistent, strategically aligned services are available through various service providers and community organizations. Our career services staff are located at the WorkOne Indy full-service center, at 4410 N. Shadeland Avenue. Take a look at our service access map to see the various locations where we invest funds and/or partner with additional service providers and community organizations.
Also, organizations providing career services – and their staff members – should connect through any of the following:
- Ecosystem Enrichment: Held on the fourth Thursday each month, these events are intended for career navigators, frontline staff, and other workforce development professionals to share best practices, learn new opportunities for clients, and provide a space for shared strategic direction of local workforce development. Browse the topics below for key takeaways and resources from previous Ecosystem Enrichment meetings.
- Employing Indy Newsletter: Workforce development professionals are encouraged to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to see upcoming events, technical assistance, labor market data, policy updates, best practices, success stories, and other important information for serving clients.
- @EmployIndy on Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for valuable information for workforce professionals. Also, @workoneindy on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer information that is great for sharing with job-seeker clients.